

Symbolic Computations in Julia using Maxima

Maxima.jl is a Julia package for performing symbolic computations using Maxima. Maxima is computer algebra software that provides a free and open source alternative to proprietary software such as Mathematica, Maple and others.



Maxima.jl can be installed using the Julia package manager by cloning the repository from github. Maxima.jl currently supports version of Julia >= v0.4.0.

julia> Pkg.clone("https://github.com/nsmith5/Maxima.jl.git")

Maxima.jl requires a working Maxima installation. Downloads and installation instructions can be found here. If you're running a Linux operating system take a look in your local repositories.

Once Maxima is installed, check that it is accessible from the Julia shell.

julia> run(`maxima`)

A Maxima shell should open and you can quit it by entering quit(); <return> at the prompt.